Analytical platform for Mercedes-Benz. Unify. Visualize. Simplify.

A platform for analyzing the quality of service provided by dealers

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It’s very complicated to maintain an impeccable quality standard for thousands of car dealers. That’s the real challenge.

And we made it! With a seamless user experience when handling large amounts of data.


To create an internal system that dealer employees and AO Mercedes-Benz RUS will use to conduct dealer quality surveys and analyze the results. The goal of the project was to reduce the number of internal and external IT systems, as well as of independent Excel/Access databases used in Mercedes to work with dealers’ KPIs.

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Our chosen Flat style with respect to the Mercedes-Benz corporate style, and also used design elements of the react-ag-grid, FusionCharts and FusionMaps libraries to unify charts and tables. This simplified the task of frontend development and accelerated the project creation.

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Table of results by category

In this dashboard, you can track results by city, country, and individual dealers. There’s also a very convenient dynamics that clearly demonstrates the quality of work. It helps you make quick decisions about how to improve service at each dealer center.
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Histogram of the results by dealer

The dealer quality survey results are shown in the histogram, broken down by individual dealers and ranked from best to worst. It helps evaluate the proportion of excellent, average, and subpar results and relate it to specific dealers.
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Comparison with previous results

A dashboard of results dynamics by research category — pie charts help you evaluate the current result, while bar charts demonstrate the results of previous periods. This allows you to see trends of change in order to adjust them.
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Viewing questionnaire results

For one type of research and dealer, a histogram of results dynamics and a table of questionnaires aid in the analysis of specific results.
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Mobile Version

We’ve developed and made up an adaptive design to make the system easy to use with smartphones.
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The design adhered to the guidelines to the letter so that the product blends in with the overall aesthetic. Due to the reuse of parts and styles, the design is simple to understand. The motto of the project is ’The absence of unnecessary entities simplifies visual perception.’


Dmitry Kozhevnikov

Art Director

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Reviewing questionnaires in studies

A table with nested rows allows you to conveniently view the results for each category. Each questionnaire will display metadata, such as the date, performer and seller-consultant names, and more. Additionally, the ability to leave comments and appeals on each question will be added.
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For ease of use, the developed system is integrated with Mercedes’ internal unified authorization system, based on the OpenId standard. This allows the user to use the same username and password on all the resources available to them.
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Analytics. Uniform documentation format

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It became necessary to divide the creation of the documentation for the project between us and the client. We developed a useful document format over the course of several collaborative meetings, thanks to which the customer’s statements more accurately describe the business issue and the system analysts’ elaboration of the ToR should proceed more quickly. Since several of the system’s modules are slated for implementation, a change management and documentation maintenance plan has also been created for the entire system.


Elena Timakova

Head of Systems Analytics

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Prototyping and research

We anticipated that many departments from both the business customer side and dealers would use this service.

We conducted a number of interviews to identify an action group of dealer representatives in order to maximize the outcome and take into account all the wishes. We then gave this group access to project prototypes and displayed the various interface states while taking their comments into consideration. We built prototypes with the service’s expansion and growth in mind.

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Prior to the project’s launch, a set of technologies had to be chosen, taking into account the Daimler technologies that were allowed.

Because there may be more user interfaces and backend consumers than anticipated, we chose to use graphQL since it allows each of them to choose the APIs they require. This gave the solution flexibility and convenience.

That choice required more work for us, but it was worthwhile. The system’s additional challenges (a Windows environment on IIS with MS SQL as the database) were not the system’s most dependable conditions.

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